Saturday, 12 March 2011

How to double your HTC's battery life

Smartphones with huge touch-screens have always had one major disadvantage - poor battery life. After searching around for ways and means to overcome this problem, I've come across something that seems really interesting. 

I've always felt that the usual "battery saving" change of settings that are suggested to increase battery life are stupid in the sense that you buy a super cool smartphone for all these high tech features and then once you want to use them, you find out that you need to basically roam around with a charger or spare battery at hand. 

Anyways, enough of my rant. Here's the method. This procedure is called calibrating your battery.

HTC Battery Caibration
Step 1: Turn your device ON and Charge the device for 8 hours or more.

Step 2: Unplug the device and Turn the phone OFF and charge for 1 hour.

Step 3: Unplug the device Turn ON wait 2 minutes and Turn OFF and charge for another hour.

I found this method over here. So you can go have a look at people's experience with this method. I'm currently on step 2 and will update with results.


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