Well, it's been a while since I last updated this blog...lots has happened technologically in my life..I gave my 5800 away to my sister and I guess that's what stopped me blogging about it. Since then I moved on to the HTC Magic but never found anything interesting to tweet about it.
I know, its Android and all but I never felt the desire to mess around with it, load custom firmwares and all that. I've been eyeing the Blackberry Bold 2 (BB 9700 Onyx) since the time rumors about it popped up and I finally got myself one about a week back...and it's been quite an experience for me since then! I've never been so connected to my friends and my little universe. It's truly an experience in itself.
I admit I loathed Blackberrys at first but come to think of it, my only complaint was the weird keyboard it used to have - the ones where each key had 2 alphabets. One of the major reasons I got myself a BB was BBM and the fact that most of my friends had gotten themselves BBs and so far, I'm loving the whole experience. I think Blackberry has gotten themselves another die-hard fan.
Talking about my technological upgrades, I GOT MYSELF A FUCKIN' ALIENWARE! It's been my dream machine since I was a boy and HOT DIGGITY DANG AM I EXCITED TO HAVE IT! The delivery and all is a story in itself ... let's just say I had to unbox it at the train station just before I left back home for Christmas..all thanks to my bro CP for bringing it to me in the nick of time! I've been enjoying working and gaming on it quite alot with my one and only regret being it's weirdly choppy and annoyingly sluggish trackpad - I simply can't use it without an external mouse. Other than that - it's awesome!
As of now, 2010 is turning out to be one of my best 'Gadget Years' and hope it continues to be this way :)
It wasn't your childhood dream to get an alienware, it was mine!!