Saturday, 14 March 2009

A few forums for Nokia 5800 apps, games, themes etc.

Hope this is useful...

Hacking the Nokia 5800 v20.0.012

It's been a long time since I posted anything but that was because I hadn't been upto anything interesting and as soon as I's my post :P. I've been jumping around forums for apps and games and hacking tools for my 5800 and I finally had a breakthrough today.

Alright, first and foremost I have to warn you that before you do any 'hacking' with your 5800 I suggest you take a backup of your phone memory.

Now, the latest method to hack the 5800 is called HelloOX v1.03. Google it and you'll find many other tutorials if you get confused with mine...but I'll try to keep it as simple as possible...with screenshots and the works...

Step 1: Download HelloOX1.3. Extract HelloOX1.3.Unsigned.sis from there and place it on your desktop.
Step 2 (Registering on OPDA): Head over to OPDA and register yourself there. I know the forum is chinese but you can use this video to help you register. I used it to do so. Although you cannot use the method shown in the video to get yourself a certificate. The method has changed now.

Step 3 (Obtaining youself a certificate): Once you've registered, head over to the main page of OPDA.

Follow the steps as shown in the screenshots to obtain your certificate and key file. Please note that after submitting your request it takes around 24 hours for you to receive the files. Please be patient.

Step 4: Once you've downloaded your cert and key files, save them to your Desktop.

Step 5: Now download SIScontents from here. You will need this to sign your HelloOX1.3.sis with the certificate you just got from OPDA.

Step 6: Unzip to a folder on your desktop named SISContents and place the OPDA cert and key files in the Shell folder (which will be in the Siscontents folder).

Step 7: Now open extsis.exe, click on open package, and select the HelloOX1.3.Unsigned.sis file. (See Screenshot 4)

Step 8: Click on Tools -> Sign Package. (See Screenshot 5)

Step 9: Click on the Key Pairs tab and follow the screenshots below. (See Screenshot 6)

Step 10: Click on the Package tab again and follow the screenshot. (See Screenshot 7)

Step 11: Now Close this window and click on File -> Save As.. and save the file as "HelloOX_signed.sis" or something.

Step 12: Transfer and Install this file to your phone on the MEMORY CARD via Nokia PC Suite. DONT INSTALL TO PHONE MEMORY!!!

Step 13: After installation, run hello OX 1.03 on your phone. Just hit yes for all that comes up. You can now uninstall it once it's done its thing. You will get a message on your phone saying so. DONT UNINSTALL ROMPATCHER! You need this app for good.

Step 14: Download the installserver.rmp file from here.

Step 15: Once downloaded, place a copy of this file on the folder "Patches" on your memory card.

Step 16: Disconnect your phone from the computer.

Step 17: Open the ROMPatcher app on your phone.

Step 18: Highlight ChangeSWIpolicyPath and press options. Click Patch and click Enable. If it's already Enabled it will show Disable. Click Options again -> click Patch -> click "Add to Auto".

Step 19: Do the same (i.e. ENABLE and ADD TO AUTO) for Installserver and open4all.

Step 20: Press Exit!

YOUR Nokia 5800 v20.0.012 is COMPLETELY HACKED!!

I have not tried this on other versions and do not claim any responsibility whatsoever for anything that goes wrong with your phone. I followed the same steps and it's working like a charm for me. Feel free to add your comments and let me know how it went! If you want to post this guide elsewhere please give proper credits to me! I've slogged a lot for this!

Until next time...

UPDATE: Works for v21 as well!